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My Videos


A class collab in Animation 3 using a combination of Adobe Flash, Blender + other 3D animation software, and Adobe After Effects. Uploaded Febuary 20, 2016.


An Animation 3 project that features a collab trailer. This was a video game trailer about a world in the future in which a royal family's daughter is kidnapped and you have to rescue her from the main villain. Created with Mia Mendez and uploaded April 22, 2016.

What If?

I created this based on an assignment for my education class. We had to create something (sculpture, song, dance, play, etc) to represent what we've learned from the class, our feelings on what we've learned, etc. I created this video based on an article written by Jane Anyon called the Hidden Curriculum and my own personal experiences. Uploaded October 24, 2016.

The Waltz

This is my most recent project that I completed for Animation 3. It is incomplete, but I am content with how it's come out so far. This was created with Adobe Flash CC, and the concept was about 2 kids that meet and begin performing a waltz, but I haven't gotten around to finishing my original concept. Uploaded April 20, 2016.

Fritz a Fox

A collaborative story made in Animation 2 about a fox and his time alone with a book and his thoughts. Uploaded February 4, 2016.

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